Sunday, August 11, 2019

When Discipleship is Seditious

To those who serve tyrants, discipleship is seditious and a product, not of faith, but of brainwashing. Discipleship in the eyes of the devil is sedition and persecution is his most devilish way. 

In Adolf Hitler’s Germany, Nazism, which was a state ideology, could not accept an autonomous establishment whose legitimacy did not spring from the government so they desired the subordination of the church to the state and they were persecuted.  An estimated one third of German priests faced some form of reprisal in Nazi Germany and 400 of them were sent to concentration camps and was tortured. The Gestapo, abbreviation of Geheime Staatspolizei (German: “Secret State Police”), the political police of Nazi Germany, is the state’s main implementor in such an oppression. This reminds us of the PNP-CIDG’s cases against some disciples of Christ, priests and bishops, filed recently. The police officials believed more on the statement of a hooded swindler named Bikoy than their pastors who are just inclined to do their prophetic roles totally discerning as witnesses in the senseless killings around them.

Hitler, according to author Richard Weikart, is, “a religious chameleon, a quintessential religious hypocrite,” by the way. Not unlike someone you know well.

If we have “War on Drugs” in the Philippines today, Hitler had “War on the Church” in Germany then. The fate of the Catholic bishops accused of plotting to oust Duterte been in the headlines recently, as I have said. Let me repeat, discipleship in the eyes of the devil is sedition and persecution is his most devilish way. Their accusations are mostly baseless.

Taking your cross could mean that the police officers for instance, can carry their cross by defying the unjust and persecuting orders from their superiors, a thing that Hitler’s police didn't do.  Taking our cross could also mean resisting the evils of totalitarianism. Carrying our cross is also a way of saying “no” to those who make the legal processes weapons against their rivals.  Lifting our cross may be a staunch adherence to law of men and of God, to humanity versus barbarism.

But that is not enough. Such discipleship is focused only on performance. A true disciple aims how to reform and not much how to perform. This is the most “seditious” discipleship Jesus has taught us. Prophets and  Christian witnesses do pray and reflect before the judge and act. Just like in Germany during Hitler.

This discipleship is genuine for it is about spiritual discernment and only through these we can be a self-denying, cross-carrying Christ follower…


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